My goal was to somehow get the extra IP space that I'm not using at bleep, routed over to my home. Neither of my ISPs (the T1 or the cable modem provider) will let me announce my IP space, so alternative methods are necessary.
Running PPP over SSH works great. This is a tiny perl script I wrote to setup the tunnel. The remote side just as a user with no password, with your SSH key authorized. I also use sudo to run pppd, so this like was added to my /etc/sudoers file:
This is the /etc/ppp directory on the remote side.
Routes on the server just forward my IP block ( to the first IP in the block (, which is the machine I'm connecting to the ppp server with.
When my machine (the one making the ppp connection) boots, there are localnet routes, and a static route to an IP alias on the ppp server ( Then SSH connection is made to that alias, and PPP is started. Then a default route is added with a gateway of the ppp server (, via ppp0 interface). The PPP link has the endpoints <-->
This script is known to work with Linux, OpenBSD, and FreeBSD. ,-------. | | box 4 |--| ,-------. `-------' | | bleep | +-------------------------------------+ ,-------. | `-------' | ------ Ethernet | | box 3 |--| #t: | tttttt T1 to inet | `-------' | #t: | cccccc CableModem to inet | ,-------. | #t: | ###### PPP over SSH over T1 | | box 2 |--| #t: | ...... PPP over SSH over Cablemodem | `-------' | #t: +-------------------------------------+ ,-------. | #t: | box 1 |--| _----__ __----__ `------:###| { # : ' `. RCN IP for host :..#| { # : } :#| { # :..............}..............................,-------------..........:#| { # }cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc| Cable modem |-----------| { # Internet } `-------------' #| { # } RCN IP #| { # } #| { ################}###################################,-----------.#########| { }tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt| T1 router |---------| `--'-___,--__--' `-----------' |
So what I need to somehow say is 'take packets that have a src addr in my localnet, and dest port of 80 (for web) that are destined for ppp0, and masquerade them isntead and send them out the ethernet interface'. Normal destination addressed based routing isn't going to get me that. What I need is some form of policy routing that can filter both src and dest addresses and ports.
On BSD, the only want I can think of doing this is via IPFilter's to keyword or IPFW's fwd keyword.
Linux has policy routing, but I still need more control than just routing on src address. IPChains in LInux 2.2.x is a very powerful tool tho, and it can accomplish this very easily.
/sbin/ipfw add divert natd tcp from to any 80 out via ppp0 /sbin/ipfw add divert natd tcp from any 80 to any in via de0 /sbin/ipfw add fwd all from to any out via ppp0
As far as I know, this is not possible. I spoke with the ipchains maintainer, and he gave me some ideas to try, but nothing I could get working.